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VP390 on Windows 10 Reply  
I have a VP390 and wish to install it on a new Windows 10 laptop. 
The website indicates I need software version 4.7.1. 

I downloaded the file DISK471 and installed it, but when run it does
not recognise the VP390, and pops up the list of programmers
supposedly supported by version 4.7.2.

Is there a version of the software that will actually work with the
VP390 on Windows 10, and if so, where?

Go back list [ Posted:2018-10-15 19:47:49 ] Edit Administer top

Re:VP390 on Windows 10 Reply  
li xinlei
Ver. 4.7.1 supports VP390
maybe you need reinstall USB driver
After install wellon software.
It is at c:\weilei\wellon\usbsys (for 32 bit windows)
Or c:\weilei\wellon\usbsys64 (for 64 bit windows)
Go back list [ Posted:2018-10-17 09:39:02 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP390 on Windows 10 Reply  
I have tried re-downloading and reinstalling the Wellon software. How do I separately reinstall usbsys64? (I am not familiar with Windows 10, I only have it for software like yours that cannot run on my Linux machines.) I see from a recent post that I am not alone with this problem. It looks like this software has the wrong device list configured.
Go back list [ Posted:2019-01-19 04:51:35 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP390 on Windows 10 Reply  
if your windows system is 64 bit,you need install USB driver in usbsys64
if your windows system is 32 bit,you need install USB driver in usbsys
[ The message is modified by lxl ]
Go back list [ Posted:2019-01-26 22:46:41 ] Edit Administer Top
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