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Overcurrent Detected Reply  
My VP299 is programming ATF16LV8C chips fine, without AC adapter. When trying to program ATF22LV10C chips it asks for an AC adapter. When I plug this in and try to program, it reports "Over Current Detected!".

I don"t think it"s the chips. They are brand new and I tried more than one. What could be the problem?

Go back list [ Posted:2019-12-13 23:30:38 ] Edit Administer top

Re:Overcurrent Detected Reply  
Please change R28(a resistor) with the resistance of 51 ohm;please change R17(a resistor) with the resistance of 330 ohm.
Go back list [ Posted:2019-12-18 09:42:30 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:Overcurrent Detected Reply  
Changing the resistors is no problem (I design the circuits these chips are used in). But first I have to find the screws. I assume they are hidden below the rubber bumpers on the bottom of the unit.

Question: are these values safe to use? With that I mean, are they tailored specifically to this chip or will they also work correctly for other chips?

Go back list [ Posted:2019-12-23 23:24:31 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:Overcurrent Detected Reply  
Increasing the value of the resistor is to promote the band of protecting circuit.It"s no problem for other chips.Also, the screws are under the rubber bumpers.
Go back list [ Posted:2019-12-25 09:18:47 ] Edit Administer Top
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