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VP-996 programmer not seeing adaptor Reply  
doc copley
I have a VP-996 Universal programmer
I can program EEPROMs with it
however, when I tell it to program my 68pin CPU through an adaptor I get this message:

>>Do not find Adapter! Set Adaptor: Run <Read> without chip on the adapter!

The CPU I am trying to program is a pic17c756a-33/L.
This is a new error for me, I have used this exact programmer/adaptor combo many times before.

No matter the config/settings, or if the adaptor is even plugged in, same message

Has anyone solved this?

Go back list [ Posted:2021-06-18 05:39:56 ] Edit Administer top

Re:VP-996 programmer not seeing adaptor Reply  
if you use the adapter before,please Run <Read> without chip on the adapter!
Go back list [ Posted:2021-06-19 06:52:55 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-996 programmer not seeing adaptor Reply  
doc copley
trying "read" with or without the adaptor made no change.
Go back list [ Posted:2021-06-20 06:25:42 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-996 programmer not seeing adaptor Reply  
if before you can use the adapter, now you cannot the adapter.
then the adapter is badly.
Go back list [ Posted:2021-06-22 07:42:38 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-996 programmer not seeing adaptor Reply  
doc copley
!!!*** SOLVED ***!!!
Use the wellon reset program fromm the willon install dir
Go back list [ Posted:2021-06-23 04:31:10 ] Edit Administer Top
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