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Atmel AT49BV642D will not ID correctly Reply  
James W
s/w 4.7.4

I am unable to Program these devices, the Chip ID read comes back incorrectly.

On one occasion in the last 3 months it read the IDs correctly and could erase and program them but it would not read them for many tries before and after that occasion. The ICs are known good and work in circuit, I have tried using different PCs and different adapters. (ignoring the ID does not erase or program devices correctly)

Any solutions?

[ The message is modified by James W ]
Go back list [ Posted:2021-07-07 19:02:13 ] Edit Administer top

Re:AT49BV642D will not ID correctly Reply  
is the programmer"s self test OK ?
Go back list [ Posted:2021-07-09 21:53:35 ] Edit Administer Top

Atmel AT49BV642D will not ID correctly Reply  
James W
Passes self test and voltage tests (5.00V and 12.04V). Tried older s/w v4.7.3 but no change. I also tried a some other devices (29F800BA) and (AM29LV400BB) which are also both TSOP48 and these work correctly.
Go back list [ Posted:2021-07-12 07:01:11 ] Edit Administer Top

Atmel AT49BV642D will not ID correctly Reply  
James W
Any ideas?
Go back list [ Posted:2021-08-03 05:54:15 ] Edit Administer Top

Atmel AT49BV642D will not ID correctly Reply  
James W
Have tried testing several more devices over the last three months aand yet they still do not work in the programmer. They do work in circuit so they are known good chips. Can you offer any other than advice that "run the self test" which I did and the programmer is fine. Thanks
Go back list [ Posted:2021-10-15 03:05:14 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:Atmel AT49BV642D Reply  
please download new software.
Go back list [ Posted:2021-10-19 08:10:37 ] Edit Administer Top

Atmel AT49BV642D will not ID correctly Reply  
Wow, thanks. I can confirm that this works from both a Windows 7 & 10 PC
Go back list [ Posted:2021-11-12 07:30:03 ] Edit Administer Top
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