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VP-698 ATF1502 Device Support Reply  
Kay Z

According to the supported device list, the discontinued VP-680 programmer does support the ATF1502 CPLD, but the current VP-698 does not.
Can you please include this cpld support for the VP-698?

[ The message is modified by Kay Z ]
Go back list [ Posted:2022-01-19 19:29:49 ] Edit Administer top

Re:VP-698 ATF1502 Device Support Reply  
please download new software.
Go back list [ Posted:2022-01-20 11:38:46 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-698 ATF1502 Device Support Reply  
Kay Z
Thank you! After downloading the latest software version (4.7.4 20/01/2022) the ATF1502 device is listed on the available list of plds.

Unfortunately, it seems there is a malfunction on the programmer :(
When I plug in the WL-QFP44-U012 adapter and I do the insertion test, the pins marked in red keep oscillating, the device code identification fails and the programming fails.
I have tested a well known working EEPROM that does not require any adapter and also fails the device id (Manufacturer: FF, Code:FF).
Additionally when I try to program it I can hear a slight buzzing sound.

How can I proceed? Thanks

[ The message is modified by Kay Z ]
Go back list [ Posted:2022-01-25 05:34:22 ] Edit Administer Top
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