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VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
I am trying to write to 27256 eproms.
They appear as blank but as soon as I start to write get the same error.
>>.Auto Program......
>>Device Address:00000000H Device Data:FFH Buffer Data:00H
>>Auto Program fail!
>> 1.10Sec

I have tried on about 20 chips with all the same issues. I am using a power supply with the programmer. I am using version 4.6.2 of the software and my firmware is 15.0
Please help

Go back list [ Posted:2013-05-25 15:00:51 ] Edit Administer top

Re:VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
Try to do the system update as followed:
1 Link the power adapter and USB line. 2 Open the menu”help”, and select the “System update”. 3 The software will show”Reconnect USB cable and AC power”. Do it first, and then click “OK” button. 4 Update continuously, the software will show “Connect the USB cable”. Do it, and then click “OK” button. 5 Update continuously and you can repeat as the step4.
6 At last, reconnect the power adapter and USB cable again, and reopen the software.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-05-27 15:12:17 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
I have now updated but still same problem. This problem occurs with 27128, 27256 and 27512.
I can program 27C128, 27C256 and 27C512 without failure.
I do the voltage test and found that the 12VPP is showing 17V with my meter and 21V is showing 27V with my meter.
Please help
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-01 20:24:43 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
Please test the output of the USB port of your computer. If it is about 5V, then test the VPP12 Vand 21V. If the voltage of the USB port is much higher than 5V, then maybe your meter goes bad or its battery is flat.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-03 09:10:09 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
Hello. I have tested and my meter is working 100%. I am now having the problem with m27c160 chips that are brand new and never used. I have testested another 5 and get the same problem. Please help as i need this writer for my business
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-15 15:08:41 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
I have now tested this with a friends VP280 and my chips work fine on his programmer using my cable and power supply. My VP390 looks to be faulty. Can I please arrange for a warranty return?
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-16 14:23:29 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP-390 Fails to write to 27256 Reply  
Maybe there is a chip that goes bad.Please test the voltage of the pins of U10(LM317) when you are testing VPP12V.Pin1 is 10V,pin2 is 12V and pin3 is 17V.If the voltage of pin1 and pin3 is right,pin2 is error, maybe the U10(LM317) goes bad.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-17 13:35:10 ] Edit Administer Top
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