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Programming Lattice GAL16V8 Reply  
Hi, I’m having problems programming Lattice GAL16V8 parts.

I have a VP-880 and, I’m using Atmel’s WinCUPL.

My jed files that wont program Lattice GAL16V8s. However, the same jed files used in a Advin 240 programms these parts OK. Other manufacturers parts programme OK e.g. VLSI, ST, Nar. Semi. I found that by selecting Nat. Semi. as the device type I could program the Lattice parts OK!

Thanks - DaveH.

I sent the files you requested on the 12-06-13 but have not heard back. Are you still looking at this issue?

[ The message is modified by DaveH ]

Well, unfortunately, it doesn"t work on my VP-880! I"m using the latest Windows Wellon software version 4.3.4 (you advised that this was the latest s/w that supported my VP-880) - If I select Lattice the GALs (GAL16V8) don"t program correctly! If I select NS (National Semiconductor) they do program OK? I have a friend who has programmed a few of my Lattice parts for me, using his VP-290. Once I"ve got them back and tested them I"ll report my findings here.
Thanks - DaveH

[ The message is modified by DaveH ]
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-11 06:21:45 ] Edit Administer top

Re:Programming Lattice GAL16V8 Reply  
please send that jed file to weilong@weilei.com.cn
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-12 03:25:36 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:Programming Lattice GAL16V8 Reply  
I sent the files you requested on the 12-06-13 but have not heard back. Are you still looking at this issue?


Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-20 19:37:05 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:Programming Lattice GAL16V8 Reply  
use your jed file.VP-880, its soft is V4.3.4,the chip is GAL16V8B.
all is OK!
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-21 16:25:05 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:Programming Lattice GAL16V8 Reply  
Well, unfortunately, it doesn"t work on my VP-880! I"m using the latest Windows Wellon software version 4.3.4 (you advised that this was the latest s/w that supported my VP-880) - If I select Lattice the GALs (GAL16V8) don"t program correctly! If I select NS (National Semiconductor) they do program OK? I have a friend who has programmed a few of my Lattice parts for me, using his VP-290. Once I"ve got them back and tested them I"ll report my findings here.
Thanks - DaveH
Go back list [ Posted:2013-06-23 19:52:05 ] Edit Administer Top
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