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VP-480 Reply  
Steph R
Using a VP480 (works very well!!).


1.Is there any way (.ini file?) to start software and have Insertion Test not enabled? Sometimes must uncheck this box because programmer shows device failure (device is good...with Insertion Test off, can write and program device OK) If so, how?

2. Is it possible to upgrade my VP480 to VP590. Maybe purchase the VP590 motherboard by itself. If so, how can I do this?

 Sheh sheh and regards...Steph

Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-01 04:27:16 ] Edit Administer top

Re:VP-480 Reply  
1.There’s no way to start software and have insertion test not enable. Because most of chip need to check the insertion test. If some chips poor contact, the chip pin may be damaged. So insertion test must be default.
2.It can"t upgrade the vp480 to vp590. There hardware is completely incompatible.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-01 14:05:58 ] Edit Administer Top
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