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VP990, read W25X16AVSIG Reply  
I try read W25X16AVSIG
When software 2013-02-20,fw19
>>Device Address:0018FFFCH Device Data:FFH Buffer Address:0018FFFCH Buffer Data:00H
>>Verify fail
I install other version software.Read result:(total commader md5 file )
349a63679e9dc634f2f2d5c89fd40491 *W25X16_4.5.1(2012-11-07).bin
9d930336fe6b9d78002669162bc48fed *W25X16_4.6.1(2013-02-20).bin
81aa11f46ea003bdcd486a612d34e62d *W25X16_4.6.2(12-7-2013).bin
W25X16 algorithm changed/improved?.
[ The message is modified by kruPL ]
Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-14 18:35:17 ] Edit Administer top

Re:VP990, read W25X16AVSIG Reply  
we test it`s ok.
Do you mean that the read result is difference by using differect version software?
you can use compare to check if the data change or not.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-15 10:07:06 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP990, read W25X16AVSIG Reply  
Differences between 4.5.1(2012-11-07).bin and 4.6.1(2013-02-20).bin >>> Last 2 lines (config), its no problem.
Differences between 4.6.1(2013-02-20).bin and 4.6.2(12-7-2013).bin (current version):
version 2013-02-20, area 190000h-1DFFF8h ->> readable ASCII symbols
I read chip- ok, verify - fail, compare ok!
version 2013-07-12, area 190000h-1DFFF8h ->> 0FFh
I read chip- ok, verify - ok, compare ok!
I don"t think that chip is bad. Digital foto frame work fine...

[ The message is modified by kruPL ]
[ The message is modified by kruPL ]
Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-15 23:52:27 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP990, read W25X16AVSIG Reply  
I have tested 4.5.1 and 4.6.1,you are right.
They both have read bug, but program and verify are reliable.
Latest software 4.6.2 has corrected it.
plis use new software if possible.thanks for you detail replay.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-16 09:35:45 ] Edit Administer Top

Re:VP990, read W25X16AVSIG Reply  
I have test on other programmers (thanks my friends).
VP790 + 4.6.2 (2013-06-18) fw 19 -> read ok
UPA v3 build 0.14 read as 25VF016B -> read ok!
Labprog+ -> read ID - fail, test canceled
SPIFlash -> read ok
Finally test on my VP990: erase, programm, verify, compare .
Soft 4.6.2 2013-07-11 is ok.
[ The message is modified by kruPL ]
Go back list [ Posted:2013-07-20 01:55:01 ] Edit Administer Top
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