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Copying ST nand512w3a2cn6 chip Reply  
I have a Wellon VP-980 with a TSOP48 adapter. I have a known good working chip that I"m trying to duplicate, I can read the chip and successfully verify the image against the chip but when I put the copied chip into the device it does not work even though Wellon indicates its identical. I"ve also found that not all of the new blank chips will program. The software we are using is version 4.2.0 and I think this is the latest version for my programmer.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-11-06 20:23:04 ] Edit Administer top

Re:Copying ST nand512w3a2cn6 chip Reply  
the nand has bad blocks so not all of them will program successfully.
the chip has the unique serial number.it is made by IC Manufacter for  copyright protection.
if your system uses it,the device will not work even the chip programmed the same data.
Go back list [ Posted:2013-11-08 14:52:13 ] Edit Administer Top
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