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VP-990 Reply  
Hi.your software dos not work for test 4016 cmos IC !!!
Last post : Re:VP-990 Reply: lxx
Please download new software.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-05-01 00:23:07 ] Edit Administer TOP"

wellon 590 Reply  
what mean of device!man.code:3e dev.code:00
when check eproms in auto id.
Last post : Re:wellon 590 Reply: lxl
the chip incorrectly place.or the chip is bad.or the chps"s ID is bad.
or the chip have no ID.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-05-05 00:45:59 ] Edit Administer TOP"

how to save buffer to file Reply  
save buffer to file which format select in pop up menu binary intel motorola s, tek tekronicks
Last post : Re:how to save buffer to file Reply: lxl
please run "help"-->"contents"
All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-05-01 22:21:18 ] Edit Administer TOP"

how microcontroler save buffer to file Reply  
i am try to save buffer to file atmal micro controller and load to another
same micro controller that does no works in right order
Reply the message [ Posted:2013-05-03 02:29:23 ] Edit Administer TOP"

TMS 27C240 on VP-390 Reply  
When I try to burn these roms, I get the following error:
>>Device Address:00000000H Device Data:0000H Buffer Data:0EEEH
>>Program fail!
>> 0,83Sec
I"ve tried different roms of the same type with same error. The VP-390 is connected with the power supply.
Please help.
Last post : Re:TMS 27C240 on VP-390 Reply: lxl
the chip is very elder,please verify the chip is good use another programmer.
All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-04-28 08:11:35 ] Edit Administer TOP"

run time error Reply  

today he had a problem and therefore our production stopped
When trying to select component the following message appears

Run-Time Error 429: ActiveX component can not create object.
reinstalled the program and the error continues

Please help us urgently
Last post : Re:run time error Reply: lxl
programmer type? soft ver.? please download the newest soft.your PC system? windows XP or windows 7?

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-04-29 22:52:58 ] Edit Administer TOP"

vp-590 Problem with PIC16f84A Reply  
Good afternoon.
I had a back problem now with PIC16f84a
1. Erase Piс1684a
2. read Piс1684a
 in buffer ff 3f ff 3f ff 3f ff 3f ......

3. after writing the controller program is written only to a certain address.

1. original dump end (9D5)
2. after write and reading dump end (7FF)
Last post : Re:vp-590 Problem with PIC16f84A Reply: gxj
When you select this chip,you will see the note.The program memory is set to the buffer from 000---7ff.The data memory is set to the buffer from 4200---427f.If you want see the data memory you can find it in
the buffer from 4200---427f.

All replies (10) [ Posted:2013-04-16 15:56:03 ] Edit Administer TOP"

PIC18F2550 help Reply  
vellon user
Good afternoon.

I have Vellon VP590 and need reprogram PIC18F2550 but one trouble i have, that PIC mcu is 32KB memory and if i save in vellon software bin file i have 15MB file can some explain for help?
Last post : Re:PIC18F2550 help Reply: gxj
When you select this chip,you will see the note.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-04-17 05:24:35 ] Edit Administer TOP"

vp-590 Auto Program fail! Reply  
I have a problem programming attiny2313 and atmega8.
I have tried with several different avr with the same result

>.Auto Program......
>>.Blank Check......
>>Device Address:00000000H Device Data:FFFFH Buffer Data:AAAAH
>>Auto Program fail!
>> 10,99Sec

!!!!!!!!!!  understood.

attiny2313 recording works ok
Reading is not working (read but not the original hex)

(vcc 4, 4,5, 5 ) (ms 10 to 50) same result

WELLON (WINDOWS_XP\Vista\7\8)(32bit Version)( 34.03M )       Ver: 4.6.1( 10/4/2013 )

tried flash at29c256
writes erases reads easily ok.

[ The message is modified by jin_jin ]
[ The message is modified by jin_jin ]
[ The message is modified by jin_jin ]
Last post : Re:vp-590 Auto Program fail! Reply: jin_jin
Ok.. Thanks..all it worked
All replies (6) [ Posted:2013-04-11 20:38:52 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Fujitsu MSP55LV128 and MSP55LV256 Reply  
Hi, can you please add support for these chips to the software? I don"t have datasheets for them though.
Last post : Re:Fujitsu MSP55LV128 and MSP55LV256 Reply: lxx
I don"t find their datasheets. And we don"t know if it need to be program.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-04-10 00:00:49 ] Edit Administer TOP"

NEC D8748HD - can not program in VP990 Reply  
I"am trying to program an old mikrokontroler NEC D8748HD, but no luck.I have 2 pcs. of them but no one can be proggrammed.

Insertion test: checked.
Device ID check: checked.

Tghere is a log:

>>Load File OK! Time:1996-12-25 00:32:00
>> 0,00Sec

>>.Blank Check......
>>Blank Check OK!
>>Device Address:000000H Device Data:00H Buffer Address:000000H Buffer Data:44H
>>Program fail!
>> 2,30Sec
Last post : Re:NEC D8748HD Reply: lxl
our test is OK! do you use the newest wellon soft? maybe your chip or programmer is bad.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-04-01 22:21:13 ] Edit Administer TOP"

New software release v4.6.1 Reply  
The latest version of your software, ver.4.6.1 both x64 and x32, see my
VP-380 like a VP-190 and this prevent normal operation.
The firmware of my VP-380 is ver.12.0.
Reinstalling the old software version ver.4.6.0 fortunately everything works.
Last post : Re:New software release v4.6.1 Reply: lxl
VP-380"s last ver is Ver 4.6.0.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-04-05 21:12:05 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP-390 problems Reply  
I"m programming ST M27C160 and ST M27C800 and getting this error:

>>.Auto Program......
>>.Blank Check......
>>Device Address:00000000H Device Data:FFFFH Buffer Data:4DC8H
>>Auto Program fail!
>> 4,54Sec

I used different Eproms but still got this error. Last month I have no problems with those eproms and I even programmed today a ST M271000 with NO errors??I"m using a VP-390 S/N 3903-1302 with system software 4.6.1. System update doesn"t seems to work. What can I do?
Last post : Re:VP-390 problems Reply: Wildeman
Today I wrote all the EPROMS (M27C160 and M27C800) just fine with a Willem GQ-4X programmer with adapter. Amazing it didn"t work with my Wellon VP-390 ....... I still think its the programmer (or the software)

All replies (8) [ Posted:2013-03-08 05:14:15 ] Edit Administer TOP"

AM29F040B on VP-380 Reply  
Hi everyone .
I have a VP-380 programmer and I have a problem with the AM29F040B memory. I programmed it and after a while I tried to program it again. Unfortunately I turn on protection on the first sector.
When I try to un_protect the first sector program shows ok but when I try to program memory again he said that memory is protected and my programmer can’t unprotect the memory. Which of Wellon Programmers can un_protect my memory? Please Help!!!
Last post : Re:AM29F040B on VP-380 Reply: LXL
All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-04-01 06:55:10 ] Edit Administer TOP"

TI TMS27c040 on VP-490 Reply  

it"s impossible for me to program any TI TMS27C040 on my VP-490.

Eproms are clean,using windows 7 64bits and lastest software 4.6.0 19/02/2013,firmware 18.0

it start checking blank device then after that immediately auto program fails.
slow program cant be checked.

>>.Auto Program......
>>.Blank Check......
>>Device Address:00000008H Device Data:FFH Buffer Data:66H
>>Auto Program fail!
>> 3,91Sec

Last post : Re:TI TMS27c040 on VP-490 Reply: jin
Please do the self_test to try. And also test the vcc,vpp0,vpp1......

All replies (5) [ Posted:2013-03-23 17:13:05 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Error: Firmware ver is lower, HELP! Reply  
I have VP-990, version 4.6.1, firmware version 11.0.
I am trying to read Intel Flash TSOP56 TE28F640J3C.
Now, the programmer shows an error when i press "read".
On the screen, it shows this error:
Note! Firmware ver is lower, please update! "help"-"system update".
I did that, but this does not work!! and the program becomes "not responding".
This is very annoying, because everytime there is a software update, there are problems!
Please help! what can i do?

Last post : Re:Error: Firmware ver is lower, HELP! Reply: jin
Please select the option "insertion test" and "device ID check" first, and then read it to check if the ID can read right.

All replies (13) [ Posted:2013-03-17 21:26:20 ] Edit Administer TOP"

old Eproms... Reply  
Hi Guys,
I have a VP-280 (Excellent programmer!) however it doesnt seem to support the devices TMS2532 and MM2716.
Is there any chance these could be added please?

Many thanks
Last post : Re:old Eproms... Reply: lxl
sorry, VP-280 do not support VPP =25V

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-03-27 02:05:29 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP-880 Reply  
i have 2 programmer VP-880 . i update new soft 2013 .i see this massage  programmer tape error !please notice manufacture...please helep..i work naw v4.2.0 2009..i want update....please helep..
[ The message is modified by KARROM ]
Last post : Re:VP-880 Reply: lxl
sorry, VP-880 have stop updated
All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-03-16 14:29:15 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP-890 Samsung flash K9 Reply  
Hello i have from your company VP-890 programmer so I try program Samsung flash chips K9K8G08UOA and K9F2G08U0M.When make erase chip then blank check always show >>.Blank Check......
>>Device Address:08400000H Device Data:40H
>>Blank Check fail!
>> 134,16Sec
I dont think that both memories are bad in the same memory position.Would please help what could be wrong ? Thanks Vasek
Last post : Re:VP-890 Samsung flash K9 Reply: lxl
Please download new soft.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-03-15 22:21:25 ] Edit Administer TOP"

mc9s12h256vfv ? Reply  
Hello, would it be possible to add 9s12h family to the VP-990? I was surprised that it can read 9s12DP but H is not supported. Thanks in advance!
Last post : Re:mc9s12h256vfv ? Reply: gxj
We don"t have the Programming information of this chip.When we have
applied we will supply it.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-03-14 08:55:04 ] Edit Administer TOP"

vp990 Generic (P)ROM read support. Reply  
Could you please add suppport for reading generic (P)ROM devices like: 2332 2364 23128 24256

They are ALMOST pin compatible wth 27xx eprom series, and can be read using small pasive adapter as 27xx eproms. Other programmers can do that.

Liks to datasheets:
*=o r g

[ The message is modified by willyvmm ]
Last post : Re:vp990 Generic (P)ROM read support. Reply: willyvmm
Best answer ever ...
All replies (5) [ Posted:2013-02-28 03:04:42 ] Edit Administer TOP"

ATMEGA8L problem Reply  
VP390 is working with ATMEGA8L almost perfect. But it happens that 5% of new processors VP390 is not able to program. VP390 returns verification error. The same processor works fine with ISP programmer. I must use VP390 because I have to disable RESET pin, SPIEN and program lock bits. I realize that this problem is hard to eliminate, but maybe slower programming speed will help. Nowadays I have got about 30 ATMEGA8L processors that VP390 isn"t able to program, but ISP can.
Last post : Re:ATMEGA8L problem Reply: diamentino
It works. Thank you very much :)
All replies (2) [ Posted:2013-03-06 22:17:23 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Latest software Reply  
On the download section of the weilei website, there are 2 sections for software, and they both are for VP-990??
Which one should i take?
One has version 4.6.1 and the other 4.6.0
Both versions mention the model VP-990

Please help

Last post : Re:Latest software Reply: lxx
Please use 4.6.1.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-03-07 21:43:40 ] Edit Administer TOP"

vp290 GAL programming Reply  
Hi, programming ATMEL ATF16V8B with vp-290, latest software and firmware. Seems really unreliable with verifying (tried several different ICs), the address it fails on keeps changing each time, for example:
>Device Address:000007  Device Data: 0  Buffer Data: 1
>Device Address:000000  Device Data: 0  Buffer Data: 1
>Device Address:001029  Device Data: 0  Buffer Data: 1

How can I solve this?

Last post : Re:vp290 GAL programming Reply: lxl
used for another programmer

All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-03-06 05:33:52 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Checksum problem Reply  
vellon user
Is anyone have problem with checksum or just me, if i put all on FF after close Buffer editor i dont see change in checskum but on older versions it was normaly worked

best regards

Reply the message [ Posted:2013-03-07 06:21:19 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Toshiba TC5332204AP on VP-490 Reply  

how i can read an Toshiba TC5332204AP to veriy that its working well

Last post : Re:Toshiba TC5332204AP on VP-490 Reply: lxx
We don"t find its databook.And we don"t know if this chip need be programmed.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-03-01 01:51:15 ] Edit Administer TOP"

S29AL016D90TFA01 on VP-880 Reply  
I have a VP-880 and I"m unable to read a Spansion S29AL016D90TFA01.
If I read a first time it read succesfull but if I read a second time or compare the buffer with chip it fail, so every read is different.
I choose S29AL016DxxTFI01.
Last post : Re:S29AL016D90TFA01 on VP-880 Reply: lxl
please use AC adapter.
maybe your programmer is bad.
All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-02-27 22:59:53 ] Edit Administer TOP"

WELLON VP-890 Reply  
aiman said
Hi-Solution is required to shake the flash and thanked

Last post : Re:WELLON VP-890 Reply: lxx
Please download new software and updata your system to Firmware 18.
When you programm chip, please add device ID check.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-28 00:48:56 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Vp-390 win 7 64 drivers failure Reply  
Hi ,
&#304; am using wellon programmer vp -390 i install it for first time on my laptop windows 7 ultimate x64 but i am having trouble with usb drivers i could not install them i want to know if vp-390 supports win 7 64 bit or not or there are special drivers for this platform
Last post : Re:Vp-390 win 7 64 drivers failure Reply: lxx
VP-390 support win 7.Please download 64 bit version.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-27 15:19:15 ] Edit Administer TOP"

vp 290 Reply  
how can I program with a vp290 the tms2764 jl, there is a program you can download for these eprom?
Last post : Re:vp 290 Reply: lxx
It need 21V VPP. VP-290 cann"t support it.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-20 17:51:45 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Problem with SW Reply  
vellon user
Why always i must have some troubles with wellon?? Im download last sw, connect my VP590 run software and as you can see on picture


When i click OK and try to chose IC wich need reprogram in select device i click "device info" button and i get this message

Last post : Re:Problem with SW Reply: lxx
Please use the new software.And check your chip name.

All replies (4) [ Posted:2013-02-17 01:08:36 ] Edit Administer TOP"

OB1800 Reply  
can you read and write eeprom OB1800? wich one your product suport it. tks
Last post : Re:OB1800 Reply: lxx
We don"t support OB1800. Please identifiy chip name.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-16 16:40:53 ] Edit Administer TOP"

WELLON VP-890 Reply  
aiman said
Hi:plis add NAND512W3A2DN6E *48TS
Last post : Re:WELLON VP-890 Reply: lxl
please download new soft tomorrow.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-17 04:08:49 ] Edit Administer TOP"

ST 27C160 on Wellon VP-280 Reply  
Logan McCloud

I&#180;m trying to burn an ST 27C160 - 42 pins with my Wellon VP-280 using the last software version from the website (4.6.0 32bits under XP).

Unfortunately, the programmer is unable to identify or burn the chip, even when this reference is inside is internal database.

So, is this chip unsupported by the WP-280?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards.
Last post : Re:ST 27C160 on Wellon VP-280 Reply: jin
VP-280 can"t support the ST 27C160 - 42 pins because of its hardware. And the VP-280 is stop product, it only can use the software 4.3.4.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-17 19:19:59 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP 990 Reply  
I am trying to read the flash memory contents of microcontroller Motorola - MC9S12DG128.VP-990 support this chip.. I can not read it"s probably because the dump is protected. Do VP990 programmer can write my new dump to the secure chip-of course, after erasing the old dump ?
Last post : Re:VP 990 Reply: gxj
You can write your new dump to the secure chip after erase
this chip.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-10 03:48:48 ] Edit Administer TOP"

WELLON VP-890 Reply  
aiman said
Hi:plis add 25Q64FVSIG(Quad I/O) *8SOP and 25Q64FVSIG *8SOP in VP-890
Last post : Re:WELLON VP-890 Reply: cm
We have add this chip in the software,please download the newest software later.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-11 09:13:25 ] Edit Administer TOP"

WELLON VP-890 Reply  
aiman said
Hi:plis add 25Q64FVSIG(Quad I/O) *8SOP and 25Q64FVSIG *8SOP in VP-890
Last post : Re:WELLON VP-890 Reply: cm
We have add this chip in the software,please download the newest software later.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-14 22:13:21 ] Edit Administer TOP"

help! Reply  
I have the programmer vp-290 and I need to select a texas instruments BQ4013YMA-70N But i can"t found this device in the list

can you help me?
Last post : Re:help! Reply: lxl
you can select "BENCHMARQ" "BQ4013Y"

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-13 09:17:26 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Spansion S29GL128P90TFIR2 Reply  
Hi , I have a VP-490 + VP-280 and I need to program a Spansion S29GL128P90TFIR2. Is it possible ? Thanks In Advance
Last post : Re:Spansion S29GL128P90TFIR2 Reply: lxl
please download new soft late.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-10 00:16:47 ] Edit Administer TOP"

ds28e01 Reply  
hello! ds28e01 please add to vp990
Reply the message [ Posted:2013-02-16 09:39:28 ] Edit Administer TOP"

problem database \lib1 VP890 Reply  
Can not open database C: \ WELLON \ lib1 \ vp398.bin application does not recognize the database or the file is corrupted
new software program 4.6.0
Not open flash M29W128FH
[ The message is modified by separator ]
[ The message is modified by separator ]
Last post : Re:problem database \lib1 VP890 Reply: spychu14
Have the same problem. Maybe because we have polish system ?

XP SP3 with all updates. Polish language.

All replies (6) [ Posted:2013-01-27 19:51:24 ] Edit Administer TOP"

vp-190 bad tests on 74139,194 & 670 Reply  
I have tested several of these IC"s both new and suspect and I can not get a pass on any 74ls193,194 or 670"s. Is something buggy in the software ?
Last post : Re:vp-190 bad tests on 74139,194 & 670 Reply: lxl
Verson 4.6.0 is the new software verson.

For TTL testing, originally, it"s not the function of VP-190. Because some customers required this function for 190, we add this function in 190. But because of the limitation of the hardware, 190 can"t support some chips that higher-level programers support. We will soon seperate those chips and sorry for the inconvenient.

All replies (7) [ Posted:2013-01-21 06:28:56 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Run-time error 3078(Win 7, Ver 4.6) Reply  
Programmer type: VP-ISP2, When the "select" button is clicked, the following error message is poped up: Microsoft Jet Data Engine can"t find the table or quary "cs1270"....As the following, I can"t select any devices to program right now.
[ The message is modified by Jeff ]
Last post : Re:Run-time error 3078(Win 7, Ver 4.6) Reply: lxl
please download new soft.
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-05 16:21:23 ] Edit Administer TOP"

wellon vp 298 and tsop am29f032b , Reply  
hello is it possible to prog am29f032b with wellon 298 and adaptor ?

if it"s not possible an update software, it"s possible ?

the wellon are great prog but the gq4x have this ref .

i prefere buy a wellon but the am 29f032b compatibility are priority .
Last post : Re:wellon vp 298 and tsop am29f032b , Reply: jin
vp-298 can"t support the am29f032b tsop40.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-06 05:11:19 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP-280 write fail 29f010 Reply  
I have a vp-280 programmer and can not write 29f010. Going to read it, go to erase it without any error, but it does not work you write. Flash 29f400bt go written, deleted, read without any problem. What could be the problem goes writing? 29f010 say that is new and I tried with 4 different pcs. Thanks
Last post : Re:VP-280 write fail 29f010 Reply: jin
Did you connect the AC adapter on the programmer? And which version of you wellon software you used?
All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-02-06 14:05:39 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP 390 and AT89C51RD2 Reply  
I am trying to use VP390 and Ver 4.6.0 to program Atmel AT89C51RD2 using the WL-P44-P4 adapter. When I load the file and program the part, it verifies but the part does not operate. When I read the data it appears OK

When I try a known good programmed part and Read from the chip into the buffer then all locations appear as FF.

What else do I need to check?
Last post : Re:VP 390 and AT89C51RD2 Reply: lxx
It may be secure. Please edit and prog. config. If you want read file from chip, you don"t lock LB0--LB2.

All replies (1) [ Posted:2013-01-31 06:05:13 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP-390 / no SRAM device list Reply  
Hi, i"m on 4.60 software. I have 6116 RAM to test, I press "SELECT" button, select SRAM on the right side, and select HITACHI, and the device list is empty. Please help.
Last post : Re:VP-390 / no SRAM device list Reply: lxx
It means that your chip can"t pass test.
All replies (7) [ Posted:2013-01-26 11:38:53 ] Edit Administer TOP"

VP 280 error testing cmos device 4529 Reply  
testvectors must be wrong, I"ve tried brand new devices , same error - maybe fixing it on the next update would be nice !
Reply the message [ Posted:2013-01-30 02:13:32 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Read algo file error! Reply  
Hello Mr.
Thank for reply. Unfortunately i try 3 versions of Wellon software 4.3.4, 4.5.2 and 4.6.0 but nothing. After the software initializes the programmer the "G/E" led turn off from green. Prior to damage programmer worked perfectly with version 4.5.2. Please send to me the procedures to send the programmer for repair (address, payment method, etc.) because i need this programmer.
Best regards,
Florin Cosma
Last post : Re:Read algo file error! Reply: lxl
please download new soft Ver. 4.6.0 form "downlod2"
[ The message is modified by lxl ]
All replies (3) [ Posted:2013-01-24 19:39:05 ] Edit Administer TOP"

Bug in latest software Reply  
Hi, I get an error in the latest (1/18) software when I select LH28F016SUT in a VP-890.

Also can you add support for the reverse pinout version of this chip?

[ The message is modified by jcsmith23 ]
Last post : Re:Bug in latest software Reply: lxx
That need order special adapter.
All replies (7) [ Posted:2013-01-19 06:00:53 ] Edit Administer TOP"

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