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Author Reply Views Last post
programming the PIC18F6680 chz132 0 31  2024-12-20 | ------
comom usar lel wellon con el pic18f6680 chz132 0 34  2024-12-19 | ------
WL-EBGA64-640C3 transiente 2 90  2024-11-29 | transiente
VP598 not working oguz 1 91  2024-11-25 | oguz
Adapters QazQaz 3 232  2024-11-12 | lxl
WL-PQFP52-M517 Valeron 1 232  2024-10-30 | lxl
WL-PQFP64-M355 Valeron 1 221  2024-10-30 | lxl
how to program PIC16F1508 with VP-ISP1 Java_Raja 1 187  2024-09-18 | lxl
buffer editor Windows Bin10 2 214  2024-09-05 | Valeron
WL-TQFP64-P058 diagram Lukasz 1 246  2024-09-01 | lxl
ST72F problem connections v4.7.4 Valeron 1 283  2024-07-31 | lxl
vp990 trouble js23 1 366  2024-06-27 | lxl
Help with device 12f519 soic kyo 0 590  2024-06-12 | ------
Winbond W25Q64JW 1.8v SPI flash cwispy 0 595  2024-06-08 | ------
PSD3XX, VP998 Lukasz 2 402  2024-06-03 | Lukasz
GD 25LR128DSIG marcinm 0 603  2024-05-23 | ------
VP596 update Ver: 4.7.1 mk2power 1 463  2024-04-11 | lxl
VP-480 Windows 7 (64 bit) twanger 4 1046  2024-04-01 | lxl
ESMT F50L1G41LB mateusz12bob 1 486  2024-03-29 | lxl
R5F21258SN error final addres Valeron 2 483  2024-03-25 | Valeron
Wellon VP896 Ibrahim 6 544  2024-03-25 | lxl
Problem with read memory MX30LF4G28AD-TI netcomers 0 740  2024-03-21 | ------
tms34010 Rework_Systems 0 801  2024-02-22 | ------
VP-996 Strata Flash problem PanPancerny 2 627  2024-01-15 | PanPancerny
MC80F0224Q in vp998 Valeron 1 605  2024-01-08 | lxl
mcu not in vp998 list fatih35m 4 3000  2023-10-24 | lxl
Wellon VP 480 programmer driver GiuseppeR. 2 752  2023-10-20 | lxl
Wellon Auto fault grandziu34 2 781  2023-10-19 | grandziu34
ATF16V8C 5JX-PH - Error mamejay 0 1448  2023-09-24 | ------
VP998 and AT93C56A confal4444 2 982  2023-09-02 | Valeron
STC 89c52rc hasan 0 1387  2023-08-31 | ------
VP390+ Read Communication Error! 0 6 Layer 0 1327  2023-08-30 | ------
VP998 or VP898 choice Valeron 1 887  2023-08-15 | confal444
VP-299 read file error vk3gm 2 912  2023-07-25 | vk3gm
why the erase button is missing amitay 1 979  2023-07-19 | lxl
Over Current Detected markr 1 1094  2023-07-01 | lxl
Wellon buffer editor exc11 1 1189  2023-06-25 | lxl
Program pal20L8 diegojardim 1 1165  2023-06-25 | lxl
Vp-890 windows 10 64bits Bonky 1 1191  2023-06-21 | lxl
Dallas DS2502*3TO To92 Vasek 2 1251  2023-06-08 | Vasek
vp998 not programming xilinx cpld rgallegos 5 1430  2023-05-29 | lxl
82S123 series Roger 3 1276  2023-05-26 | lxl
Can not Detect AT29C040A with WL-TSOP48 Helder 1 1470  2023-05-23 | lxl
PIC18F27K42 Radek 2 1418  2023-05-10 | Radek
error initialising Win10 - vp-380 Brian 1 1398  2023-05-08 | lxl
Does VP280 supports MX25L8035 / 25V8035? AndreyKT 1 1428  2023-04-01 | lxl
Error programing M27C801 Daniel2123 1 1438  2023-03-04 | lxl
EEPROM 27C512 (PLCC 32PIN) Shahmin Helmi 1 1434  2023-03-04 | lxl
VP-390 Error kim st 1 1431  2023-03-04 | lxl
ball G·Allan 1 1387  2023-01-16 | G·Allan
Error VP-390 Codex 2 2520  2022-12-17 | Codex
VP-390 auto secure YY Wong 2 1449  2022-12-01 | YY Wong
Programmer for AT89LP52 YY Wong 1 1398  2022-11-30 | lxl
VP-996 Not programming AM29F032 DaveH 1 1442  2022-10-09 | lxl
VP 290 yuyindomar 1 1392  2022-10-09 | lxl
VP 998 confal44 6 1441  2022-10-03 | confal44
VP998 confal44 1 1417  2022-09-30 | lxl
VP 598 XICOR  X2864A djwilly 1 1400  2022-09-13 | lxl
MC68HC08AZ32A not listed in VP998 fatih35m 1 1404  2022-08-23 | lxl
AT29LV256 PLCC 32pin for VP390 charlyd 1 1398  2022-08-23 | lxl
VP496 com defeito willyanpacheco 1 8783  2022-06-17 | lxl
NS GAL16V8 Read & Programm fail djwilly 2 1389  2022-06-17 | lxl
vp598 ttl & cmos test fail djwilly 3 1415  2022-05-12 | lxl
Thank You Weilei Support cwispy 0 3046  2022-04-12 | ------
memory not in VP598 list delfino p 1 15097  2022-03-31 | lxl
"Communication error! 0 6" with VP-390 Layer 1 3310  2022-03-08 | lxl
Vp596 with Atmel kyo 1 2724  2022-02-11 | lxl
vp998 programmer mcu not list fatih35m 0 4307  2022-01-30 | ------
VP-490 recognized as VP-190 nmp1970 12 3776  2022-01-28 | fbalangero
VP-698 ATF1502 Device Support Kay Z 2 2857  2022-01-25 | Kay Z
VP-ISP1 - sotware, firmware etc Ronin 0 4575  2022-01-23 | ------
vp998 programmer mcu not listed fatih35m 0 4461  2022-01-22 | ------
vp998 has stopped working fatih35m 2 2677  2022-01-22 | fatih35m
VP-598 support TC58V64AFT??? miguelston 1 2788  2022-01-21 | lxl
Atmel AT49BV642D will not ID correctly James W 6 2932  2021-11-12 | jimmydeath
No secure for AT89LP G.Rother 3 3081  2021-11-09 | salimservice
VP598 Mr.mazen 1 6274  2021-11-02 | Mr.mazen
AMD PAL22V10 with VP598 rr 1 2466  2021-10-27 | lxl
VP-598 and NVR2 2k*8 Reading Pekka 2 2546  2021-10-15 | Pekka
Needhams EMP-21 USB vince 2 2523  2021-10-12 | lxl
Welon VP996 not suppert 25lb64csig Patryk 1 2562  2021-07-31 | lxl
VP998 not suport W29N01HVSINF zica49 2 2739  2021-07-10 | zica49
checksum 0000 theocoar 0 4260  2021-07-09 | ------
VP-996 programmer not seeing adaptor doc copley 4 2553  2021-06-23 | doc copley
FUJITSU MB96F6A6RB DATA UNLOCK dippy 1 2247  2021-05-23 | lxl
Read algo file error VP-299 ScottC2020 4 2286  2021-05-07 | ScottC2010
Problem read M430FG4619 on VP998 Tiago Bau 1 2374  2021-04-18 | lxl
VP390 wrinting hex files in 2 EEPROM jczishida 1 4440  2021-03-18 | lxl
Probelm testing 74 ICs on VP-290 Bernardo 0 3227  2021-03-12 | ------
Erase atmegas (fuse setting) Rup 5 2149  2021-03-07 | lxl
vp998 / atsamd21 lotharek 5 2122  2021-02-27 | lotharek
SOLVED:VP998 Winbond W25Q256JW SPI yesoos 2 2078  2021-01-25 | yesoos
vp998 read problem for isp perfecto,repair 1 1901  2020-12-08 | lxl
VP998 noise yohnsee 4 2407  2020-12-04 | yohnsee
Wellon VP598 and AM29F040B problem danko 1 5776  2020-11-14 | lxl
25Q64FWSIG ISP programming fail? yesoos 1 1949  2020-11-11 | lxl
VP998 communication error zica49 1 2136  2020-10-25 | lxl
vp480 serpy 4 4382  2020-10-19 | lxl
VPP0 and VPP1 very low cosyne 5 2157  2020-10-15 | serpy
VP998 Abdulkerim 1 1594  2020-09-29 | lxl
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